How To Increase Your Monthly Income: Play Defense and Offense

Playing defense and offense doesn't solely resort to sport terminology. It also means our pocket book.
When it comes to wealth generation, another important factor that is hard to follow, but nevertheless important, is the ability to "live within your means." This is what I refer to as the "defensive" position. For many people, living in debt has become the norm. It is common for the average person to be buried in debt by the time they reach 25 years old. Buried in credit card and student debt - as you would imagine - can really stifle a young person's life.
Certainly, staying clear of debt and continuous consumption is essential to playing defense in financial terms.
But what about our financial offense? The truth is that by implementing an effective offense is the key to financial freedom. The steps to do that are to increase your level of income streams. (An income stream is any source of revenue or value coming in).
Even if you have a 9 to 5 job, you can create another few income streams by working in the evenings or weekends. Take for example, mowing the neighbor's lawn every Saturday or babysitting twice a month. These are two income streams. If you pick up a second part time job, that's also another income stream.
If you implement a financial offensive and have one or two major income streams and a dozen smaller income streams you will certainly be only way to financial freedom.
But then comes the fun part? How do you move beyond an extra income stream or two without killing yourself? Well, you do what many entrepreneurs have done, which is to utilize internet technology to help you establish your streams of revenue.
Why not start a blog, auction items you no longer need, or have your own mini-sales site? You can choose anything to sell any number of items. If you are just starting out, however, you do not want to blow your money on tons of inventory. What you need to do is start small or with low cost inventory items.
What many successful internet startups do is sell informational products. Informational products, like e-books are great because they often sell very well and deliver high margins of profits because there are not inventory costs. If you can sell the same product over and over again, your profits usually increase dramatically.
Taking small but important steps both defensively and offensively will lead to greater financial freedom.
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