A few years ago, I was in a dead end job, living paycheck to paycheck. My health was spiraling down and my stress was increasing. I needed to do something, but like most people, I procrastinated. That is until on Friday my supervisor came into my cubicle and told me that he needed to cut my hours down every week.
I will never forget that day, because I also got my car impounded for driving without any car insurance.
That weekend, stuck at home without a car, I decided to come up with a plan. I decided that I would continue working the ten hours a week that was cut from my schedule and that I would, out of necessity, start to build a small online business.
I spent several hours researching options, but many needed me to pay up front for tons of inventory. I didn't have a lot of money and more importantly, I didn't have the space in my small apartment.
So, I decided that I would try selling and re-selling e-books. It was a growing niche and I knew that people buying iPads, Nooks, Kindles, and other products needed to have content. E-books sales have been slowly increasing over the last two years. Secondly, e-books had practically no upfront costs, didn't take up any space in my apartment, and the profits margins were incredible. I can sell and resell e-books and make 100% profits. In addition, I got to control the price, which was great.
In addition, by sending out an email with a small email list of friends and family, I generated a week's pay in less than 24 hours. This was the small taste of success that I needed to continue. Within in six months, I was able to quit my horrible cubicle job and make twice the money in half the time.
Today, I no longer live paycheck to paycheck and I work less time, which means I haven't felt this good in years. The funny thing is that it's not hard, it just takes the first step. In my case, I didn't have a choice, I didn't want to look back at the sad job I had, so I moved forward.
If you want to make money online and beat back on the hype, then the easiest way would be to get help or a little advice. You can email me if you wish and I can tell you how I did it. Reselling e-books or products that cost you practically nothing, is the way to go.
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